Cardiologists of the MC "Mediland" are engaged in diagnostics and treatment of heart and vascular diseases, these are, above all, diseases associated with the problems of atherosclerosis, hypertension, various heart defects, inflammatory processes (myocarditis).
The heart is a pump, unsurpassed in its power and durability, and unfortunately the problems associated with the operation of the cardiovascular system are one of the most common.
Very often, the diseases of the cardiovascular system can manifest not in the early stages, but in the neglected stage, when the treatment will require considerable efforts from the doctor, patient and his/her relatives. Therefore, cardiologists of the «Mediland» Clinic recommend regular preventive examinations.
The main task of the cardiologist is to timely identify the disease and treat the patient with modern and safe medicaments. But the main goal is to increase the duration of your life and improve its quality.
In our clinic you will receive attention and feel a professional approach to solving your problems. The survey begins with a question about what is bothering you, then the doctor will conduct a thorough examination, be sure to conduct an ECG and some analysis.
In addition, blood tests, daily monitoring of blood pressure, echocardiogram (cardiac ultrasound), daily monitoring of ECG (Holter monitoring), dopplerography of neck vessels, and tests with physical exertion can be prescribed (in your individual case).
After the diagnosis is established and the cause is clarified, your individual risks of progression and possible complications are necessarily estimated. In those cases when the disease is not yet, it is obligatorily to estimate the total risk of its probability. This is important for your individual program of prevention and treatment of the cardiovascular system diseases.

Risk factors for cardiovascular disease:
- - male sex (men are more at risk of cardiovascular disease);
- - age: for women over 60 years, for men over 50;
- - burdened heredity (early onset of cardiovascular disease in relatives).
- - arterial hypertension;
- - smoking;
- - increase in cholesterol;
- - diabetes mellitus or prediabetes;
- - obesity;
- - an increase in the waist: for women more than 88 cm, for men more than 102.

Most importantly, if you are familiar with one of these symptoms:
- - shortness of breath, lack of air, shortness of breath, which has arisen at rest or when you have performed a habitual load;
- - clearly rhythmic or irregular heartbeat (more than 100 beats per minute);
- - pain in the heart, behind the breastbone, like a clenched fist, burning, compression, sometimes radiating to the left arm, lower jaw;
- - any pain in the chest during walking;
- - periodically arising blood from the nose;
- - flashing of "flies" before the eyes, impaired vision;
- - swelling of the feet;
- - appearance of weakness, malaise, dyspnea, palpitation 10-20 days after a viral infection;
- - high blood pressure – 140/90 and above.
This is an occasion for an immediate reference to a cardiologist!
Our Cardiologist makes an appointment of the MC «Mediland» at the address: Copernic street 12-D, Kiev.
The cost of cardiologist’s appointment is 550 grn.
It is important to know that very often to treat the cardiovascular system diseases any drugs are not needed, but it is necessary to adjust the lifestyle.
It is enough, for example: to quit smoking, to reduce weight, to change qualitatively and quantitatively food, to stop abusing alcohol, to learn to cope with stress, to walk a lot regularly (possibly to swim, play tennis, badminton, ride a bicycle, etc.).