Methods of treatment proctology

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Treatment of pararectal fistula in Kiev

Treatment of pararectal fistulas in the Medical Center “Mediland” involves the use of the most modern techniques for the fast and painless recovery of our patients!

The pararectal fistula is a tubular passage that communicates the lumen of the rectum with the skin on the buttocks.

Important! The disease is not treated conservatively effective treatment of a pararectal fistula without surgery is impossible.

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Crohn's disease treatment, UC in Kiev

Both pathologies are localized in the lower parts of the small and upper colon, however, NUC directly affects the part where inflammation has formed, at the same time as Crohn's disease causes changes throughout the entire digestive system, even in the oral cavity.

Both pathological conditions cause anatomical changes in the inner part of the intestinal mucosa, which is accompanied by the formation of granules, cuticles, which adversely affect the digestive process. In addition, there is local inflammation, which entails pain and symptoms of intoxication of the body...

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Hemorrhoid treatment in Kiev

The essence of the disease lies in the formation of hemorrhoids inside the rectum from the existing there, the so-called "cavernous bodies" - special blood vessels with delicate and easily stretchable walls.

In conditions:

  • excessive arterial blood flow, which is triggered by the intake of spicy foods, alcohol, arterial hypertension;
  • and difficult venous outflow, which contributes to a long stay in a sitting position, heavy physical work, pregnancy and childbirth;

these vessels begin to increase in size and, further, as the structures of the anal canal are stretched, they fall out.

Accordingly, hemorrhoid treatment methods are aimed at normalizing blood flow in the blood vessels of the rectum, and restoring the normal anatomy of the anal canal.

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