Doctor gynecologist, surgeon, mammologist, proctologist
Medical experience of 18 years
She is the author and co-author of more than 30 scientific publications in the medical literature and 2 patents on innovative methods of treatment in gynecology.
She is an active participant in medical conferences and congresses with international participation, repeatedly participates in foreign conferences, including as a speaker, as well as with poster presentations (Paris, Berlin).
She is an active member of associations of:
- herniologists,
- obstetricians and gynecologists of Ukraine.
She is the leading specialist of the clinic for intimate injection practice.
Intimate filing instructor coach at Vivacy, NLC.

Outpatient admission:
- consultations on any pathology of the cervix,
- video colposcopy,
- examination and treatment for sexually transmitted infections,
- carrying out ultrasound diagnostics of tubal patency,
- treatment of menstrual disorders,
- examination and correction of the hormonal status,
- diagnosis and conservative therapy of uterine fibroids
- Consultative consultation on benign tumors of the skin and soft tissues - papilloma, atheroma, lipoma;
- diagnosis of hernia of the anterior abdominal wall;
- observation and examination of appendicitis and cholecystitis;
- examination for ingrown nails;
- examination for diseases of the rectum.
- diagnosis and conservative treatment of breast pain;
- examination and treatment of any form of mastopatias;
- consultation with benign breast tumors;
- assistance in establishing and terminating breastfeeding;
- puncture methods for diagnosing breast tumors;
- treatment of lactostasis;
- puncture methods of treatment of purulent mastitis.

Inpatient surgery:
Surgical treatment of cervical pathology: radio-wave electrocoagulation and conisation of the cervix - small operations that are performed on an outpatient basis, and in terms of single-day surgery under local or intravenous anesthesia.
Complete healing is 4-6 weeks.
Outpatient monitoring requires 1-2 visits to the clinic.
Removal of papillomas of the labia, vagina, perineum, perianal region, and anal canal does not usually require an inpatient stay, it is performed under anesthesia, and wound healing occurs within 2 weeks.

Surgery for uterine myoma:
Conservative myomectomy - removal of the not only an important organ. Hospital staying is about 3 days.
Hysterectomy – it’s a removal of the uterus in case of impossibility of conservative or organ saving methods of treatment of uterine myoma, as well as with recurrent polyposis, endometrial hyperplasia. The uterus is removed through a small incision of the anterior abdominal wall under general anesthesia. Surgical treatment is performed by a special technique that allows minimal trauma to the surrounding tissue, almost not using suture material, which allows patients to recover quickly. Patients begin to move independently and resume nutrition the day after the operation. Inpatient treatment takes 3-4 days.
Surgeries for uterine myoma of large sizes is large surgical interventions that require special training and equipment are performed successfully and do not practically differ in terms of recovery from the standard hysterectomy.

Vaginal surgery:
Correction of traumatic and post-operative deformities of the perineum and cervix, plasticity of the vaginal walls - operations that are often required after a traumatic birth, or previously performed surgical interventions, and on the cervix also in the presence of dysplasia, polyps, leukoplakia.
After surgery to correct the perineum and vaginal walls, women can:
- improve the quality of sex life,
- reduce the frequency of inflammatory processes,
- get rid of the violation of microflora in the vagina.
Restoration of the anatomy and health of the cervix helps to reduce the risk of cancer of the cervix in the patient.
Hospital staying is about 1-2 days.
Full recovery time is 6-8 weeks.

Operational correction of urinary incontinence - is performed using slings, corrective surgical interventions.
Hospital stay is required for 1-2 days.
A woman notes improvement in urination immediately after surgery.

Vaginal hysterectomy - removal of the uterus through the vagina. Most often performed with the omission or prolapse of the uterus, an operation that requires a good knowledge of anatomy and a high level of practical skills from the doctor.
The uterus is removed without incisions and punctures on the anterior abdominal wall, the stitches that are applied are “hidden” deep in the vagina. Such interventions are performed under spinal, epidural or combined anesthesia.
Hospital stay 4-5 days. Full recovery 1.5 months.

Removal of fibroadenomas and mammary gland cysts is performed through a small incision along the edge of the areola or in natural anatomical folds, the tumor is removed with minimal trauma to the breast tissue, and a cosmetic suture is applied to the wound.
The operation is performed under conditions of intravenous anesthesia.
Hospital stay time is 1 day.
Patients continue observation on an outpatient basis - examination after 2 weeks and 2 months with a control ultrasound.

Injectable intimate plastic surgery is restoration of the aesthetic appearance of the intimate area in women with the help of hyaluronic acid preparations, not traumatic, does not require an overbalance, conducted in ambulatory conditions, does not require correction within 1.5 - 3 years.