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Svetlana Tashova

Врач кардиолог, терапев, в КиевеDoctor therapist, rheumatologist, cardiologist, Ph.D.

The doctor conducts consultations, diagnoses and treats cardiovascular diseases. He specializes in congenital and acquired heart defects. Accepts in a planned manner, leads inpatients.

Member of the Ukrainian Therapeutic Association
Member of the Ukrainian Association of Cardiology

Author of 8 scientific publications on the topic of Ph.D. thesis: "Eisenmenger's syndrome: Clinical course, morpho-functional state of the heart and treatment results, with long-term follow-up"


  • 1999 - National Medical University. A.A. Bogomolets with honors. Faculty of Medicine.
  • 1999-2008 - Postgraduate studies, teaching at the Department of Internal Medicine of the National Medical University. A.A. Bogomolets. At the same time, she worked in the Department of Chronic Coronary Pathology of the Alexander Hospital in Kiev
  • 2010 - National Congress "People and Faces of Ukraine".
  • 2011 - Scientific and practical conference "Chronic heart failure as a multidisciplinary problem."
  • 2013 - 5th National Congress "People and Faces of Ukraine".
  • 2015 - Scientific and practical conference "Actual issues of cardiology and cardiac surgery" Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
  • 2015-2017 - Cardiologist DP SMC 18 Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
  • 2017 - TU "Peculiarities of clinical arrhythmology" (NMAPE named after Shupyk)
  • 2020 - TU "Echodoplerography of the heart" (NMAPE named after Shupik).
  • 2021 - TU "Diseases of the cardiovascular system in pregnant women" (NMAPE named after Shupyk)


  • Treatment of heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmias)
  • Treatment of coronary heart disease
  • Rehabilitation after myocardial infarction
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Daily ECG monitoring (holter)

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Був на прийомі у лікаря Ташової Світлани Петрівни у зв'язку з загостренням подагри. Під час прийому відзначив високий професіоналізм лікаря, дуже уважна до деталей, доступно пояснила наслідки і як правильно лікуватися. Дуже сподобався лікар, буду звертатися тільки до неї. Всім рекомендую як кваліфікованого лікаря!

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