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Julia Merenko

Merenko Uliya Doctor surgeon, endoscopy in KievDoctor surgeon, endoscopy doctor

Experience – 18 years.

Regular completion of thematic improvement courses and pre-certification cycles in these specialties.

Member of the Association of Endoscopists of Ukraine.

Participation in last international conferences:

  • February 2018 – International Endoscopic Symposium, Düsseldorf
  • April 2018 – Conference of the European Association of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Budapest



Diagnostics and treatment of diseases
Видеогастроскопия и видеоколоноскопия в Киеве. Цена.

Performing diagnostic manipulations:

Video gastroscopy and video colonoscopy using modern equipment, possibly using advanced anesthesia.

Results are documented to the media (flash drive) or sent to e-mail.

Endoscopic removal of gastric and intestinal polyps.

Хирургическое удаление липомы, атеромы, фибромы в Киеве. Удаление родинок, бородавок, папиллом. Цена


  • surgical removal of benign soft tissue formations (lipomas, atheromas, fibromas), is performed under local anesthesia with the imposition of a cosmetic suture. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes, hospitalization is not required.
  • radio wave removal of benign soft tissue formations (moles, papillomas, warts, dry callus) is performed under local anesthesia using the Surgitron apparatus. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes, hospitalization is not required.
Вросший ноготь на ноге - лечение в Киеве. Цена
  • surgical correction of the ingrown nail – is performed under local anesthesia using the method of radio wave correction of the nail growth zone. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes, hospitalization is not required.
Фурункул, карбункул, абсцесс - лечение у опытного хирурга в Киеве. Цена
  • surgical treatment of purulent diseases of soft tissues (furuncle, carbuncle, abscess) – is performed under local anesthesia using the method of dissection or excision of the affected tissues. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes, hospitalization is not required.
Video with a doctor:


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